Sunday 25 August 2019

Thinking activity: Hamlet movie screeing


Hello reader,

        About  my observation  on   this movie "Hamlet."  This task given  by Dr.Dilip  Barad sir.  My  sinor  always  says that,Dr.Dilip Barad sir  is soul of English  Department. This Department part   of  the maharaja Krishnakumarshihaji university,bhavanagar . I am also agree with  my sinor.Dr.Dilip sir  organized  the academic  movie  screeing. This movie  name is "Hamlet." 

 few  Introduction   of movie " Hamlet " :


 "Hamlet " is a 1996 film  adaptation  of William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet." Adapted  and directed by Kenneth branagh , who also stars as prince  Hamlet. The film  is the first  unabridged  theatrical  film  version of "Hamlet" ,running  just over four hours. The setting is updated to the 19th century, but  its Elizabethan English  remains the same. Blenheim palace is the setting used the exterior grounds of Elsinor castle and interiors were all photographed  at shepperton  studios,  belonged  with the footage shot at  Benheim. Hamlet has been regarded as  one of the best  Shekpeare film adaptations. The film follows the plot of the original  play  and first  adaptation to have the complete  original  text.Hamlet  is the central  character of this  play  and also movie's hero.    "Hamlet"   suggests many ideas.

Some example  like;  madness idea, duel personality, sociology idea,  power of majesty  philosophical  contemplating   side,  believe  in religion, variety of  thinking, smartness, concept of  death theological  idea,  contentce  of caste society, classless society, concept of soul v/a body etc.  I  like one concept  of  this movie. This concept  are soul v/s .   Death   is celebration. Soul is happy. Death is necessary  for that. But people  is  not  understand. 


 When I  watched Hamlet  movie I  feel  that  different. How can it possible  revange?   I am very shocked  when this movie  starting. Beginning  to  ending of this  movie is  good.  When ending  of  this  movie  Hamlet said that,   "The  rest is silence. "  I have compare  with  haidar movie. Image like,

Same situation  like  this movie.  Only  important  give revange. Another  example  like  "Macbeth "  ,  Oedipus.  

  ☆  post - viewing  Tasks:

     This  question   related  this movie " Hamlet ". After  watching  the  movie. Let's see the  question  of Hamlet   movie  screeing. 

Question: 1 

    How to  faithful is the movie  to the original  play?

■ Answer:

         "Hamlet"  Is  a   1996  film  adaptation of William Shakespeare's  play "Hamlet." Adpated and directed by  Kenneth  Branagh, also stars as prince hamlet. This movie  is 100% faithful.  This movie's plot follows  to the original  text.  The film is the first  unabridged  theatrical film  version of  Hamlet.  Running  the just over  four hours.The setting is updated to the 19th century.     Including  the  12th  century. History of Denmark.   Religion, dresses,  etc. Now present  time    you  can see the difference  between  young generations.  Thinking  about science. See the one image,

     How  can this  image  faithful  in movie?This  image  give the  question. And this image  suggest  many ideas. 

Question: 2

After  watching the movie, have your  perception  about play, character or situation changed?

■ Answer :  

Before  I watched  movie  my view about character of Gertrude.she is good  queen  but after watching  the movie  my view  is  suddenly  changed. This movie  suggest duel  personality  of the people.  I  feel  that present situation in 21th century. 


      Do you  feel 'aesthetic delight' while watching  the movie? If yes, exactly  when  did it happen?  If no,can you  explain with reason. 

■    Answer:  

 Yes  I feel  that  ' aesthetic delight '  when I watched this  movie some scene  are suggest aesthetic  delight.  

    This image  I saw . And  my first  question  come in mind   what you  suggest  this image? This image suggest of  murder of  Hamlet 'a father.when Horatio and Hamlet talking  about it is not right  that claudius become  king of Denmark.  The Horatio said that  I know  your. father  at the  time the Hamlet see the a ghost . He is following  the ghost  and the said.that " I am spirit of  your  father "  and he said that  how claudius'  is poisoned  my ear . This scene give to the aesthetic delight. 

Question: 4

    Do you  feel 'catharsis ' while or after  watching movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen?  If no, can you  explain with  reason? 

■ Answer:

  Yes,    I  feel that "catharsis " in this movie.  Throughout of the  this  movie I saw the catharsis. Catharsis can be defined  as a cleansing f emotion for the sake of the   audience  as they sympathize with  the main character  ,  also know as the tragic  hero. In Shakespeare's  Hamlet,  catharsis  takes place when Hamlet  engages in a sward fight with  Leatertes and claudius  have  considered against  Hamlet by agreeing to have him drink from a poisonous  cup and  to poison  the blade  another  precaution to  insure  Hamlet's death  in  Act -4 ,scene  -7 In Hamlet  catharsis  is most definitely  present; it is developed the throughi  the play  in Hamlet's  exceptional  suffering  and is  achieved  during  his death. In the last scene. Hamlet  is character  development  play's a  major part in creating catharsis .same situation  like " macbeth " tragedy.



  Does screeing  of movie  help you  in better  understanding  of the play?

  ■ Answer :

   Yes ,   screeing  of movie  help you  in better  understanding of the original play.     This movie's  plot  is following  of the original  text.  Thanks  to directed   Kenneth branagh.  He   give the best movie  adoption.  When   before   I am  not watched movie  so  I am  very  numerous  because some  time  movie is   different . But  I  saw  the  movie  and  I  understand  the  play. 


 Was  there  any  particular  scene  or moment in the movie  that you  will cherish lifetime ?

■ Answer:

There are one scene  graveyard conversations  about  skull.

   He said that, the skull of all human  being  is the  same condition  of all the skull is also same that is resolved in to the earth. It is the reality  of  life.   And  I  saw the this movie . This movie  suggest  charish  lifetime. 


If  you are director, what changes  would  you  like make in the remaking of movie on Shakespeare's "Hamlet "?

■ Answer:
If  I am director, I want  to get   many changes.   I  have  not   punished    my self.  I  have slove to the many problem  of kingdom. I  am  always  struggle for  kingdom.  


 In the beginning of the  movie   camera rolls  over the statue of king Hamlet  outside the  similar sequence  where in the  statue  of the king Hamlet  is hammered down  to the to dust.what  sort of symbolism  to you  read un this?( clue:  In book IX of "paradise  Lost " stan reflections on his revenge  motive: 'But what will not  ambition and revenge. Descend  to? Who aspired must down as low,as high soared ,obnoxious,first orlasy ,to  basest things  revenge,at first  thought sweet, Bitter  ere long back on itself recoils."is it not king Hamlet's ambition to avenge his death responsible of the downfall of his kingdom which is symbolically  pictured in  last  scene?)


  Starting  to  the movie  I  saw this image  and after ending of this movie  I  saw  again  this image.   This image suggest  many things.   Throughout of the  movie   Hamlet  lots of suffering  but at last he was loss of life same situation  like Macbeth.This play  suggest  revenge. Is not good.


While studying the play through  movie  while approach  do you find more applicable to the play? Why? Give reasons  with illustrations .

■  Answer :

 Here there are psychological approache  is   more applicable in the movie than the original play because this approach are illustrated  by the director.  Hamlet is the suffers the Oedipus complex.

other like  haidar movie. 


  Which  of the above mentioned approaches (In -pre - viewing task.) Appeals  you more than other?why?  Give reason.


 I think that here is Texual approach is more appropriate than the other approach. In the best source. Text always  give the different  idea. Text always  give the original  character.  This Hamlet character suggests  good  ways  for life. 

   Thank you. 


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