Wednesday 30 September 2020

Thinking Activity: "The Scarlet letter"

 Thinking Activity  on " The Scarlet letter "

Hello readers!
  Here on my blog. This    blog related  to the  " The Scarlet  letter." This task given by Dr.Heena ma'am.   Dr. Heena ma'am's   blog Click here

☆ Introduction  about  " The Scarlet letter" :

    "The Scarlet letter"  novel   by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is  considered  a masterpiece  of American  literature  and a classic  moral study.  The novel is  set in a village  in puritan  New England.  The main character  is Hester Prynne, a young  woman  who has born a  child out of wedlock. 
   The novel also crafts intriguing   symmetries  between  social  oppression and  psychological repression.  

☆  my view   on  The Scarlet letter"  novel :

" The Scarlet letter " is a true story  Hester  Prynne  and her illegitimate  daughter  Pearl never extensively about   puritan  history.  May have based his novel on the story  of Mary Bailey  Beadle. 

● "The Scarlet letter"  and " kya kahena" movie  :

       People  have tried  to  ban  Nathaniel Hawthorne's   widely  read and  taught novel " The Scarlet letter " for moral reasons,and  also because  they believe  it to be phonographic and even  absence.  
    In a rather ironic ending  . Pearl the " elf- child" becomes  the most human in the final  scaffold sence. 
    Having inherited property  from  chilling  worth  she has become the " richest heiress of her day, in the  New world. "  With such riches,  she may have married  well, but  her  mother has taken her  away  to Europe. 
 By teaching  " The Scarlet letter "  i realised  the  underlying  themes, not the supernatural  elements  that  had  enthralled  me. Are  what make the  story  so powerful. The story  also  teaches  other important  life lessons.  Morality  is not determined  by society. And that seeking  revenge  harms you more than it does your  enemy.   "The  Scarlet letter"  is  meant  to be a  symbol  of  shame. But  instead  it becomes a powerful   symbol  of  identity  to Hester.  The Scarlet letters  meaning  shifts  as  time passes. 

In " The Scarlet letter"  Hester Prynne's husband  Roger, is .assumed  dead. She  talls in love and sleeps   with  reverend    Arthur  Dimmesdale.  As result, Hester   becomes  pregnant  and  gives birth to Pearl.Hester Prynne  is force to wear   a Scarlet  letter  "A" On her dress. To  humiliate   and  brand her as an  adulterers.
Hester  chooses to  continue  to wear the letter  because  she  is  determined to  transform  its  meaning  through  her actions  and her  own self - perception.  She  wants to be  the  one who controls  its  meaning.  Upon  he  return  from   Europe  at the novel's  end.  Hester  has gained  control  over  both her personal  and her public  identities. 

More people  shouldn't  have  Scarlet letter attached  to their  clothes.  The music begins again   and  the  military  escort lead the church. 


 This  preity Zinta - starrer shook Bollywood  with its bold  narrative  on pre martial  sex and teenage  pregnancy. 

    In this movie  character  of  priya.  Priya's  femily  had issues. They showed  the door to their  pregnant  teenage  daughter . Priya's  father , who  sang  his  heart  out on"  ये दिल लाया है बहार....,"   suddenly couldn't  care  less  about  his daughter's  safety. 

As we  said  before  Priya's   femily  had issues, instead  of caring  for their   daughter  - who  clearly  was grappling  with devastation. priya's father  goes  begging  to Rahul, the   say  who got his daughter  in the fix. Priya's father  begging Rahul to merry her.

"बेटा आइसा मात करो, कहे जायगी हमरी बेटी ?  "-  like seriously  problem. 
The man who couldn't  live a second  away  from  his  daughter  now suddenly  wanted  to get rid  of her  because:

"भगवान के लिए हमरी बेटी को अपना लो।"
हम कह रहे हैं, हम बरबाद हो जाएंगे। ”

 The guy has already   shoves his responsibilities  so   you already  know but still.
 Society  never accepts  this dialogue   very good  in this  movie. 

  Same  idea   like morality. And  also pragnecy   so i have connected  this movie.

Thank you...



Monday 21 September 2020

Thinking Activity: " The Weste Land"

    Thinking  Activity: The  Weste  Land"

 Hello readers!
  Here on  my  blog. This task related to the  T.S.Eliot  poem " The Weste Land."  This task given by Dr. Dilip Barad sir.  Some questions  related to the   " The weste Land." Click here
☆ Introduction   of  " The weste Land":
    "The west Land "    written  by  T.S Eliot.   This  poetry  divided  into  five  parts. Click here Five  parts are: 
 "The  Waste  Land "  appeared  in  1922.The poem, Which won Eliot  the  Nobel prize,in 1948. Follows the  legend of the Holy Grail and the Fisher king Combined with Vignettes  of contemporary  British  society. 
 After  3 year  published  in oct- 1922.  This  poem  published  in  two  newspapers:
  《1》 The criterion  ( British  newspaper)
  《2》 The  Dial ( American  newspaper)

  This poem original   titled " He do the policeman in  different voices." This title   reference   taken from  Charles Dickens  novel " Our Mutual  Friend " in 1925.

This poem dedicated to    Ezra  pound.  This poem   cut short written  by  Ezra pound.  This poem's     totl lines 1000 but  Ezra pound   written   in  Epigram.  Than 434 lines  of " The weste Land."

I. A.Rechards "  music of idea". On the  " weste Land"

Features  of  this poem : "The weste  Land"
  [1] Too many  characters 
  [2]  Too  many  images 
  [3]  Too many scenes 
  [4]  Use of  Enjambment
  [5] No  clear  shift / no Spifiting
Question: 1
What  are your  views on the  following image after  reading  " The Weste Land"?  Do you  think that  Eliot  is regressive  as compared  to  Nietzsche's view? Or Has Eliot  achieved  universality  of  thought  by  recalling  mytho- historical  answer  to the  contemporary  malaise?

Answer:  I have give my view  on   E.S. Eliot   regressive as  Compared Nietzche  view. Nietzche  was a German  man. His writing  on truth, morality, philosophy  and intellectual  history. Click here   Both  are good but  Nietzche   view  has    better  than T.S.Eliot's  view.  Both of  give the view on  modern  philosophy.    Eliot's "Tradition and individual Telent"  essay has well - known.   Eliot  give the  view on tradition.  Nietzche  comparision  " Dead poets".  You  can   Click here .

 Nietzche noble  thought  of  Unbernecsch and it is significant  rather than  the idea of T.S.Eliot.  Normally  Eliot's  idea  related  regressive.  We can see the Religion, spirituality  etc. 

Question :2

Prior to the speech, Gustaf Hellström of the Swedish Academy made these remarks:

What are your views regarding these comments? Is it true that giving free vent to the repressed 'primitive instinct' lead us to happy and satisfied life? or do you agree with Eliot's view that 'salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural tradition'?

     About  my  view  on  Eliot's  view that" salvation  of man lies in the  presevation of the cultural  tradition".  Eliot  only   give  the idea on   tradition. And we can   see the  tradition  only depends  on  cultural.  Culture always  like traditional. Freud's   probing of the  recessive,sexually  driven workings of the  human  unconscious.  It might seem so. But in words so elliptical   as almost  to obscure  the intent.

Eliot  complicates his assessments  of  Freud. Freud  our  understanding  of  Eliot  himself. Freud  theory on power  of unconscious  is  the best.   One  aspect  more by implication   than  by  explicit argument. Eliot riduts Dostoevsky  with peering into the abyss at least as intently. As Freud and his acolytes  did, but  nevertheless  coming   away  from the  experience    with a richer. Deeper understanding  of human  psychology.
Eliot  was  as  getting   idea  on  cultural  - intellectual.  Psychoanalytic  theory  of Sigmund Freud. " It would "  he wrote  " be a work for a more highly  and specialized  mind than my own, to trace  the effect of   psycho- analysis  upon literature  and upon  life. With in the last thirty years  or so  this effect  is probably both greater and more  transient  than we suppose."


Write about allusions to the Indian thoughts in 'The Waste Land'. (Where, How and Why are the Indian thoughts referred?)

Answer :  

 One  among the many Western  scholars,whi were influenced  by  Indian  philosophy.  T.S.Eliot lethis understanding  become  a  key  factor  in his magnum opus.

 Eliot  used an essential,allusive  and elliptical technique to  put   across  the view that modern  Western urban civilization   was sterile  and unsafying. He  avoided personal  emotion  in  contrast  to the more romantic  effusion of the Georgian  poet.

  "The weste  Land" poem connected   with  myths.  Indian  thoughts in " The weste  Land"   like:

☆  Buddha's  Sermon: 
     This  reference    taken from  The Fire Sermon" Buddha's  Sermon  connected with  suffering   and  peace  of world.

☆ River : 
  " Ganga  was  sunken and the liml leaves     Waited fir rain while the black    clouds....."  

 Eliot  used   of Indian  river.River symbol  of the civilization. 
☆ Mountain:
    Eliot    use  if  himalaya  mountain  in his poetry.    


☆ Thunder:
  "what the Thunder said"   The  tragedy   an  obligation  on us to  give meaning.  And  also significance  to life. Eliot's   prescription  for  a  new  dawn is  give  in part - v.

☆  Three  Da:  
 Eliot   use of three Da in this poem.  The Brichdaranyaka Upnishd   alludes ti prajapati,  the creator, taking to his three  offspring.  
  • Devatas
  • Demons
  • Men
In the  first  Brahmana Chapter  -v.  All the three  Da's which are:
  1. Dama: The voice of the thousands  namely
  2. Devas: self - restrain
  3.    Men: Self sacrifice  for the human and compassion  for  Damons
Eliot  was greatly  influenced  by the Bhagvad Gita. We can see the  Chapter   XVI.verse21.

 The   wordof the "Thunder"offers a ray of hope  penetrating  the despair that hangs over the  rest of the poem.
  In  a  letter  to  Bertrand  Russell, Eliot  described  it  as  "not only  the  best  but the  part that justices the whole."

 Eliot uses  concepts   from sanskrit  texts  as a  frame work  to give  shape  to  and  support  the many ideas  that constitute  the human  psyche  on a spiritual  journey. 
 Vedic thought  is not  recorded  but it is known  that  he was occupied  with sanskrit, pali and  metaphysics  of  patanjali. 

 "The  weste   Land"  reiterates  the  three  cardinal virtues:

Friday 11 September 2020

General characteristics of the 20th century

 General characteristics of the 20th century:

☆ Introduction:

   The  Twentieth century  was  like no time period before it.  Einstein  Darwin, Freud, and Mark were  just some of the thinkers  who profoundly  changed  Western  culture. These changes  took distinct shape in the literature.   Of the 20th century. Modernism  a movement  that was a rradical break from  19th century  Victorianism, led to  postmodernism  , which emphasized  see  if consciousness  and Pop art. While  20th century  literature  is a diverse  field  covering  a variety of  genres  there are common  characteristics  that change  literature  forever. 

     After  1918,  'Modern'   define the  effect of literature  that  are  to expand  its range, to fragment  its  solidarity, to enlarge  and  profoundly  change  its audience, its  forms and its subject  matter.


☆ Characteristics of the 20th  century:
 {1}  Development  of poetry, novels and Drama:
 The  greatest  poets in this era are such as  Thomas Hardy and  W.B. Yeats  to T.S.Eliot  and  W.H. Auden Hardy (1940- 1928)  .   Mostly   writes  about country  people  life  in Wessex- a  rural country  in southeast  England. 

● Georgian and Imagist poetry  development  in 20th century  :
Rupert Brooke, D.H. Lawrence, Siegfried  sassoon  and Issac  Rose Georgian     because   they  poets  in  found  in a series  entitled Georgian  poetry.  The name of Georgian  poetry  is derived from the  king (George  V)   Who reign in 1910 to 1936    as earter explains.  Imagist poets , such as Des Imagistes (1914)   have  some  characteristics  that are tendes to be  short and sharp  glimpses.  It is  a movement designed to replace  the   soft discursive  narrative  a harder. More  condensed, Imagistic language.  " nearest the bone."  Irish drama development in  20th century. 

{2}  Fragmented  structure :

Modernist and postmodern writers, however, believed that this did a disservice to the reliability of stories in general. The 20th century saw the birth of the ironic narrator, who could not be trusted with the facts of narrative. Nick Carraway, narrator of Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby," for example, tells the story with a bias toward the novel's titular character. In an extreme case of fragmented perspective, Faulkner's "As I Lay Dying" switches narrators between each chapter.

{3}  Experimentation :

Writers mixed images from the past with modern languages and themes, creating a collage of styles. The inner workings of consciousness were a common subject for modernists. This preoccupation led to a form of narration called stream of consciousness, where the point of view of the novel meanders in a pattern resembling human thought. Authors James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, along with poets T.S. Eliot and Ezra Pound, are well known for their experimental Modernist works.
{4} writing  from the margins:
 The Harlem Renaissance, for example, brought together African-Americans living in New York to form a powerful literary movement. Writers such as Langston Hughes, Nella Larsen and Zora Neale Hurston wrote fiction and poetry that celebrated black identity. Similarly, female writers gained recognition through novels that chronicled their own experience. Finally, the post-colonial literary movement was born.

Thank you...

Wednesday 9 September 2020

Activity: Modernist poems : identify modernist metaphor in these short poems.

  Modernist poems : Identify  modernist metaphor in these short poems :

 ☆ Introduction:

    Modernist poetry  arose in response  to the flowery  language  typical of Victorian  and Romantic  literature.  Click here  

☆   Ten  short poems :  Indentify  andModernist Metaphor  in these  short poems:

《1》 "The  Embankment"   T .E. Hulme Click here
 " The Embankment "  masterpiece  poem. This poem written around 1908-9. While Hulme was an active members  of the poet. 
"(The fantasia  of a fallen gentleman  on a cold  it her night.)
  Once, in finesse of fiddles found I ecstasy,
In a flash of gold heels on the hard pavement.
Now see I
That warmth’s the very stuff of poesy.
Oh, God, make small
The old star-eaten blanket of the sky,
That I may fold it round me and in comfort lie. "

  The first  word  "fallen  gentlemen "   reflect  on his past and how he  found  pleasure  in worldly  social  activities.  " suggesting musical  gatherings, such as  dance."   "Flash of gold heels  on the  hard pavement "  so this line  suggests   courtesans  or prostitutes  now we can see this   21th century.  
 Metaphor  of this poem:
   {1} Flash of Gold    {2} Musical  Gatherings like dance.
     {3} old star : breathtaking  new life

    Poet  said  that  human  always  like luxury.  Luxury  is  main  symbol  of the this poem.

《2》Darkness:    Joseph Campbell 
        " Darkness 
     I   stop to  watch a star shine
         In the boghole-
         A star  no longer  but a silver  
             Ribbon  of light.
         I  look at  it and pass on. " 

 Campbell  was  anIrish poet.  This poem  related to  modernist poetry.  This poem's  metaphor  like Darkness.  Star is the symbol  of light.This poem also suggests   civilization  of the society. 

《3》Image : Edward  storer
   " Forsaken  lovers. 
  Burning  to a chaste  white  moon
Upon strange  pyres of loneliness and drought. "

 Love is main metaphor  of this poem.  And  loneliness  symbol  of froskan lovers
《4》The pool  : Hilda Doolittle 
    "Are  you  a live?
   I touch  you 
You quiver  trembling  like a sea -fish
I cover you with my net
What are you -banded one? "
    This  poem  also  same to  the T.S.Eliot " The weste Land" The poet  drawn  image of the store of  water. And water  is the symbol of  purity.  

《5》  In a station of the Metro:  Ezra pound 
"The  apparition  of these faces in the crowd;
  Petals  on a  wet , black  bough." 
    Metro  station  symbol  of routine  life of  people.  The poet describe  the  machinical  lofe of  hardworker's life.  Petals  word use for people  and   black  bough  word use for culture   living  dead.

《6》Insouciance :  Richard Adlington 

 "  In  and out of the dreary trenches 
   Trudging  cheering  under the stars
  I make for myself  little poems
 Delicate  as a flock  of doves
The fly  like white - wings  doves."
  This  poem symbolizes down humanity.   Dreary trenches    word imagine down  of people's life.       
《7》Morning  at the window: T.S.Eliot
" The are ratting breakfast plates in               basement  kitchen. 
And along the trampled edges of the  street 
I am aware of the damp souls  of housemind
Sprouting  despondently  at area gates.
 The brown  waves of  fog  toss  up to me
Twisted  faces from the bottom  of the street,
And  tear from a passer-by with  muddy skirts 
 An aimless smile that hovers  in the air
And vanishes along the level of the  roofs. "
  This poem  has nature poem. But this  poem  also give the many  ideas.   T.S.Eliot  describes  morning  time in this poem. So  morning  time has symbol  of  the new and  Rebirth  of humn. Morning  has  not aimless smile.

《8》The Red wheelbarrow :   William Carlos  Williams 
  "  So much depends upon 
    A red wheel borrow
    Glazed with rain water
     Beside the white chicken."
     The poet  use of metaphor  in this poem like, rain  nature,  water.   Wheelbarrow  is connected  with Fleming.

  《9》 Anecdote   of the Jar: Wallace  Stevens 

 "  I placed a jar in Tennessee,
  And round it war, upon a hill.
  It madd the slovenly  wilderness   surrounding  tha hill.
 The wilderness  rose up to it,
 And sprawled  around, no longer  wild.
 The jar was round  uponthe ground
 And tall and of a port in air.
 It took dominion everywhere. 
 It did not give of bird or buch.
 Like nothing  else Tennessee. "
    This  poem has imagary poem.  So  jar has  symbol  of   state. The  poet  talk  about  the  small   story about  the jar. Jar  as  plase.


《10》' I'  (a'  - E.E.Cummings
 " I ( a...leaf falls on loneliness)
   l l

    The poet describe  loneliness.  And  leaf  fall     on loneliness.  Depression  aslo  connected with  loneliness.  Loneliness  has  main  symbol  of  this poem. 

    Thank you...

Tuesday 8 September 2020

Virtual Teacher's day 2020

Virtual  Teacher's  day 2020

   Hello readers!

    Here on my blog.  This blog related to the   celebration  of virtual Teacher's day  2020.Click here this video

  I  have  not participated  in this  day.  But   i  have  listen  all  video. 16  students   became  teacher in this day. All the teachers made on this day taught very well.   I  have appeared  quiz so i  got the certificate. 


 I have learned  good in  this day.and  many  information  i have getting. 

Thank you....

Thursday 3 September 2020

Charlie chaplin modern Times great director

Hello  readers !
     Here on  my blog . This blog  related to the  Charlie Chaplin  modern times  great director.  This  task given by  Dr. Dilip Barad sir. Dr. Dilip  Barad sir   is  head of English Department  Maharaja Krishna kumarshihaji bhavnagar University.   
☆  Charlie Chaplin modern times great director : 
* Introduction about  Charlie Chaplin 's film  :

Modern  times  is a 1936 American  silent  comedy  film.  This film's  directed by Charlie Chaplin.  Charlie chaplin  described  modern  technology  in this movie.  This comedic masterpiece finds the iconic little  tramps  (Charlie Chaplin)   
  In this  film  give the many ideas on the modern  time.  For example like, political and social commentary  in modern  Times.   Charlie Chaplin  criticized  the   growing  industrial  and mechanical  nature  of society. Charlie  Chaplin 
 also  criticized  flourishing  industrialization.  And commercialization.    Charlie  chaplin   criticized humor  on  society. Exaggerations, satire   and slapstick  to highlight  negative  aspects  of the blurring line between  man and machine  in a rapidily  progressing. can see tgis video. 

☆ Charlie Chaplin  film  as mechanical laughter:  
         Charlie chaplin brings  lighthearted  humor  to  a serious  social commentary  in modern times  with his  uncanny depiction of an automatic feeling mechanism  and  a  robotic factory. We can see this video 

Thank you...