Tuesday 12 January 2021

Thinking Activity: Technology , education and ELT

 Hello readers!

This  blog related to the  technology   and education.   Technology  is the very important  in education. 

☆ Summarize  thoughts expressed  by the speakers in to consideration  in context  of  technology  in education (in general) and ELT  ( in particular )


● Education, Technology and ELT

Technology has always been an important part of teaching and learning environment. It is an essential part of the teachers’ profession through which they can use it to facilitate learners’ learning. When we talk about technology in teaching and learning, the word ‘integration’ is used. With technology being part of our everyday lives, it is time to rethink the idea of integrating technology into the curriculum and aim to embed technology into teaching to support the learning process. That is to say, technology becomes an integral part of the learning experience and a significant issue for teachers, from the beginning of preparing learning experiences through to teaching and learning process.

Teachers should be convinced of the usefulness and advantages of technology in improving learners’ learning. This means that teachers need support and training for integrating technology into language teaching. The review revealed that when technology is used appropriately, it can bring about a lot of advantages to teachers and learners. It is a resource that can be used by learners because it helps them solve their learning problems and find methods to use what they have learnt in ways that are effective and meaningful. In addition, the review literature indicated that the use of technologies plays a key role in language learning based on their own pace, helps in self-understanding, does not stop interaction with the teacher, and creates high motivation in learners for the effective learning of language skills. Furthermore, the paper represented that learners should use technology to enhance their language skills because it has as a crucial role in developing learners’ creativity and provides them with interesting, enjoyable, and exciting alternatives to study the language. To sum up, the findings of this literature review showed that technology provides interaction between teachers and learners, provides comprehensible input and output, helps learners to develop thinking skills, makes learning and teaching becomes more student-centered, promotes learners’ autonomy and helps them feel more confident, and increases learners’ motivation to effectively learn a foreign language.

The use of technology has become an important part of the learning process in and out of the class.This study focuses on the role of using new technologies in learning English as a second/foreign language. It discussed different attitudes which support English language learners to increase their learning skills through using technologies. In this paper, the researcher defined the term technology 

and technology integration, explained the use of technology in language classroom, reviewed previous studies on using technologies in improving language learning skills, and stated certain recommendations for the better use of these technologies, which assist learners in improving their learning skills. The literature review indicated that the effective use of new technologies improves learners’ language learning skills.

Technology in English language teaching has therefore become indispensable, especially in the wake of unprecedented developments across numerous fields and disciplines. It is essential that the education sector keep apace of the global technological revolution by adopting modern technological means such as computerization, multi-media devices, mobile phones, audio/visual effects applications, and social media, to optimize English language instruction and equip teachers to connect with classroom language learners in a systematic and advanced way. The Internet provides easy, immediate, and virtually unlimited access to software, applications, and a host of ancillary platforms and materials which can expedite.In addition to practical educational experience, educational technology is based on theoretical knowledge from various disciplines such as communication, education, psychology, sociology, artificial intelligence, and computer science.If we see students who are learning in traditional method, then we can find that they are not able to catch things with one reading, but if the same thing is taught by showing them video then they can get it at one sight. With technology we can learn more things than with books only because technical tools can search worldwide example at the same time of our reading. Books were not able to do changes regarding the present time on the spot. These all things make technology useful in the education field.

Accordingly, there are several discrete aspects to describing the intellectual and technical development of educational technology:

Educational technology as the theory and practice of educational approaches to learning.Educational technology as technological tools and media, for instance massive online courses, that assist in the communication of knowledge, and its development and exchange. This is usually what people are referring to when they use the term "EdTech".

Educational technology for learning management systems (LMS), such as tools for student and curriculum management, and education management information systems (EMIS).

Educational technology as back-office management, such as training management systems for logistics and budget management, and Learning Record Store (LRS) for learning data storage and analysis.

Educational technology itself as an educational subject; such courses may be called "computer studies" or "information and communications technology (ICT)".

Thank you...

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