Thursday 10 October 2019

assignment literary criticism

Literary Theory and criticism-western poetics-1
Name: payal chudasama
Sem : 1 M.A. part :1
Email I’d: chadasmapayal1997@gmail. Com
Enrollment  no: 2069108020200005
Submitted to: Dr.  Dilip Barad sir smt. S.B.Gardi English Department  Bhavanagar
Topic:  wordsworth's view  on poetry

☆ Introduction  of  William  wordsworth:

He was born in 7 April 1770 and he was died in 23 April 1850. William wordsworth was an English  romantic  poet, who with  Samuel  Coleridge,  helped to launch the romantic age  in  English literature, and   this both poet published  “Lyrical Ballads.”  This work published  in  1798.   Wordsworth  was Britain’s  poet literature  from 1847.  His  famous  are:
  《1》 “An Evening walk”(1793)
  《2》 “ Descriptive sketches” (1793)
   《3》“Borders” (1795)
    《4》“Lyrical Ballads” (1798)
《5》 “Selected poems"  (1959)

☆ William wordsworth’ s  definition   on poetry:
In preface  to the “ Lyrical Ballads”  , William wordsworth  was  given by  definition  of  poetry.  “ poetry  is the spontaneous  overflow of powerful  feeling  ; it takes  its origin  from emotion  recollected  in tranquility.”  Means  when  poet wrote  the  poetry  so    feeling,  emotion  etc. Is the most important  in the  poetry.  Sometimes  emotions  is overflow in the poetry.   William wordsworth’s poem  is  nature poetry.  But  his poem’s concept  is  very different, and  when  poet wrote  the poetry so impression is the .most important  part in the poetry. The  “ spontaneous  overflow of the  powerful feeling"  on one  side   is  emotion is recollected  in tranquility  on the  other side   are apparently  two  contradictory  tranquility  on the other side are apparently two contradictory  statements.  “ spontaneous  overflow” must  be immediate and  unrestricted without any  interval of  time  between feeling  and its expression. The expression “ recollected  in tranquility” would  suggest  intervention of time between  feeling and  its expression.  “Recollection” means  remembering some impression  after   some lapse of time. Wordsworth  himself has tried to reconcile  this apparent contradiction in his  further  elucidation  his   definition immediate  impression  has a blending of both important and unimportant impressions.  Wordsworth is the nature poet  we can see the his poetry like “ Rainbow.” This poem is  nature poem. When the poet is the  poetic mood  sings out rapturous as sorrow  spontaneously  from the core of his heart. Poetry  cannot be composed under duress  ,the clear  spring of poetry  must flow freely  and spontaneously.  It can not be made to flow through  artificial.
☆  Theme of  poetry:
《1》 Theme  of nature: Nature is the number one inspiration for poets.  A breathtaking sunset, or a calm walk along a beach . such beautiful scenes can make a poet of anyone.

Nature is provides the ultimate  good influence on the human mind. William wordsworth’ nature poem like: ‘Rainbow’, and Daffodil’ ,  this tow poem is very beautiful poetry.  William wordsworth  describes  the beauty of nature. The .good relationships  with  nature. William wordsworth’s  poetry  subject  most of all  nature.  I   have  example  in Gujarati  poem. મનમોજી વરસાદ ! ! !  કૃષ્ણ દવે

આખો અષાઢ સાવ કોરો કાઢે ને પાછો ભાદરવે વરસે ભરપૂર
એવો તો મનમોજી થઈ ગ્યો વરસાદ જુએ નોરતાં ને થાય ગાંડોતૂર

ચણીયા ચોળી ને એમાં ટંકાયા આભલા, ને આભલામાં ટહુકે છે મોર
વાદળી ને વીજળીની તાલી દઈ દઈને એ તો ગરબે ઘૂમે છે ઘનઘોર
એવું રમે કે ગામ ડુબુ ડુબુ થાય અને ઉમટે કાંઈ જોબનના પૂર

એવો તો મનમોજી થઈ ગ્યો વરસાદ જુએ નોરતાં ને થાય ગાંડોતૂર

સુરજ ને ચપટી વગાડીને ઓલવે ને ઓચિંતો આવી અંધારે
ટીપાંની સામે જે છત્રી ધરે ને એને છાંટે ને છાંટે ફટકારે
કોની મજાલ છે કે પલળ્યા વિનાનું કોઈ જઇ શકતું એનાથી દૂર ?

એવો તો મનમોજી થઈ ગ્યો વરસાદ જુએ નોરતાં ને થાય ગાંડોતૂર

વરસી પડવાનું નામ ધારો કે શ્યામ છે તો ભીંજાતું હોય એ જ રાધા
અંદરથી ઊગવું તો એને કહેવાય જેની કોરા રહેવાની છૂટે બાધા
ગોકુળ ને વૃંદાવન આંખ સામે સર્જે ને સંભળાવે વાંસળીના સૂર

એવો તો મનમોજી થઈ ગ્યો વરસાદ જુએ નોરતાં ને થાય ગાંડોતૂર

કૃષ્ણ દવે.   

Some cosmic change has got tremendous impact in life. when the nature works according to her whims, we don’t know whether to enjoy the new trend or to criticise it.
KRASHNA DAVE described the different colour of the nature as if the player of navaratri appears in his beautiful costume.
The grace of God is such , no one can be left out to get wet.
The nature of Lord Krishna is to spread his blessings in the form of rain without any partiality and the nature of Radha is to get wet without any doubt. Only a man who is as tender as a dewdrop within can be transformed and certified as a real devotee to receive the showing of the almighty, then and then only you can realised.  Another poem  like:

વરસાદ વિના અકળાઈ ગયેલું એક ગીત ! ! !

વાદળ થઈ આવ્યા છો તોય તમે કેમ નથી વરસી પડવાનું નામ લેતા ?
આકાશે ખાલી શું રખડ્યા કરો છો ? જેમ ચૂંટણીમાં રખડે છે નેતા !

આખ્યુંમાં આસુંના વાવેતર થઈ ગ્યાં છે તમને જરાય એનો ખ્યાલ છે ?
નહીંતર ચોમાસું આવું મોઘું ના થાય , મને લાગે છે વચ્ચે દલાલ છે !
ઈશ્વર પણ રાષ્ટ્રપતિ જેવા થઈ ગ્યા છે કાન પકડીને કંઈ જ નથી કહેતા .

કાળાડીબાંગ સૂટ પ્હેરી પ્હેરીને જાણે આવ્યા છો સંસદમાં ઊંઘવા !
તરસ્યા ખેતરને જઈ પૂછો જરાક એક છાંટો મળ્યો છે એને સૂંઘવા ?
રીઢા મીનીસ્ટરની જેવા લાગો છો, નથી ઉતરમાં ટીપુંયે દેતા .

– કૃષ્ણ દવે

Krashna Dave has got tremendous creativity and imagination reflect here in this lyrical world where he rightly compares political way of the behaviour of the leaders with the nature when it goes out of natural routine and forgets the reality. He makes it clear the difference between the eternal truth and political truth.
 Another his poem.  પ્હેલે અક્ષર

પ્હેલે અક્ષર ઝાકળ ઘૂંટે બીજે અક્ષર ફુલ,
આ કેવી અદ્ભુત ચાલે છે બાળતરૂની સ્કૂલ.

બાળકની આંખોમાં જોયો ઘૂઘવતો સંવાદ,
ઍક્વેરિયમની માછલીઓને દરિયો આવ્યો યાદ.

એક આગિયો અંધારાને રોજ કરે હેરાન,
અર્ધી રાતે વટથી નીકળે લઈ સૂરજની શાન.

હવાય થંભી, થંભ્યા વાદળ થંભ્યા સહુનાં ચિત્ત,
મેઘલ મંડપ જળના મંચે ડ્રાઉં ડ્રાઉંનું ગીત.

હે વિહંગ શું લખું બીજું જે વૃક્ષપણાને છાજે?
પીંજરને પણ કૂંપળ ફૂટે એવાં ગીતો ગાજે.

કૃષ્ણ દવે    (વાંસલડી ડૉટ કૉમ)

The use of personification and simile with perfect rhymes and rhythm are the quality of KRASHNA DAVE you  use the words as if a child talks with the fairy.

Wordsworth’S  poem “ Daffodil”  I have include one stanza like: “I wandered  lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once  I saw a crowd, 
A host , of golden  Daffodil.”

 《2》  Theme of Childhood :
     In wordsworth’s poetry,  childhood is magical, magnificent time of innocence. Children  from an intense  bond with  nature. We can  see the his  other poem. So part of the world and rather than apart of human , social world. For example :
“She dwelt among the untrodden way"
“ strange fits of passion have I know.”  Another  example  of poetry . This  suggests  of nature. So I have give example  of  nature poetry.
My favorite color is navy blue,
the color of a childhood book about stars.
My father read it to me on the couch,
took me outside and showed me
the Big Dipper, and the Little Dipper,
and how to find the North Star.
All of this was right in front of our house.
We looked up into the sky until it looked back.
The book said we spin without realizing it.
It told where we are in the Milky Way
but my father and I don’t know how we got here.
Neither of us mentions it.
We do not know how to do the math
on astronomical odds as big as that.
 By   Loueva smith.

《3》  Theme of human mind:
   Wordsworth  praised the power  of the human mind. For example “Lines composed a few miles Above TinternAbbey.”
☆Function  of  poetry:

 Wordsworth  opinion on  poetry  ,poetry  breath and finger spirit  of all  knowledge and impassioned  expression  that is in the countenance  of all science  means  expression  is the most important  in the  poetry. When you are  read the poetry  and so  readers understand  your poetry .so poetry  is  the  instrument  for the society.  Wordsworth’s poetry  does not simply  delight us, but it also teaches us deep moral lessons  and brings  home to us deep philosophical  truths about life and and religion. In the preface to the Lyrical Ballads, Wordsworth also discusses the function of poetry.  The function of great poetry is "to please, to move, and to transport."  The three functions of poetry fuse into an aesthetic pleasure with moral elevation.  However, the moral elevation far outweighs the aesthetic pleasure.  The moral function consists first 'in the refinement of feelings', second, 'in the knowledge of Man, Nature, and Human life', and third, 'in the power that makes life richer and fuller.'
"Truth, Grandeur, Beauty, Love and Hope,
And melancholy Fear subdued by Faith."
            The reader of poetry emerges saner and purer than before.  The second great function of poetry is to enable us to look 'into the life of things.'  While science sharpens our intellect, poetry enriches our moral insight.  The moral force of poetry 'is felt in the blood, and felt along the heart'.  So Wordsworth says:
"Poetry is the breath and finer spirit of all knowledge; it is the impassioned expression which is in the countenance of all science."
            Finally, poetry provides shelter and succor to the afflicted human soul.  It is a great force for good and welfare.  Wordsworth's own object in writing poetry was 'to console the afflicted; to add sunshine to day light by making the happy happier; to teach the young and the gracious of every age to see, to think, and feel, and therefore to become more actively and securely virtuous.'
            Thus Wordsworth concludes that 'every great poet is a teacher; I wish either to be considered as a teacher or as nothing'.  In this role poetry makes man "wiser, better and happier".
☆ conclusion:
  Thus , William wordsworth’s view on poetry . We can easy  understand  of the what is the poetry ? Impressions  is part for the poet. Wordsworth  give the best view on the poetry.

☆ Reference:
◇ spark note

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